Sunday, October 9, 2011


FUCK SHIT BITCH WHORE I fucking hate this. I need an appointment with a specialist, but of course lea ann isn't going to make that appointment.
I am so fucking tired of this. That bitch needs to fucking do something other than sit on her lazy ass all day while I bust my hump looking for a job, and trying to pass school because I'm barely there. Why am I barely there? BECAUSE I NEED A FUCKING APPOINTMENT WITH THE SPECIALIST. But no. Not gunna happen. Why? Because somehow I was brought into life with the worst circumstances possible.
And of course bill and hattie aren't help! They're my grandparents. They make 73,000 dollars a year, and won't let me buy a wrist brace. But of course, they'll spend hundreds on lea ann at once. I got my library card taken away because lea ann used it and never returned her book. $65 fine!
I have extreme health conditions, but of course everybody here just looks the other way when they don't want to deal with something. At this rate, I'll never get a job! I'll be 18 years old, dying, unable to pay for medical bills, and unable to pay for insurance.
I know this sounds selfish, but that all-talk-about-helping-me-for-8 YEARS bitch of a grandmother better leave me some fucking money when she dies. >:(
If push comes to shove, I'm pretty, I can model, or be a (OHDEARGOD) porn star, or if nothing (cringe) a prostitute.
Modeling is cool, I really don't want to end up being some one who has to go as low as showing off their genitals.
I broke up with my girlfriend. She's the female type douche bag. Seriously.
Shitty. I haven't showered because when I do the household teases me. "I'm going to take a shower." "Oh, please do!" *gets out of shower* "I thought it was supposed to smell better.
So now my hair is greasy and flat. I dyed it blonde, but it came out ginger. I'm going to bleach it though...
I gained weight too. I'm too damned stress to diet, okay?
I've come to the conclusion that I have some rare disease and that I'm not going to get help and then later in life when I'm actually happy, I'll find out what it is, though it will be too far to stop it from killing me. Yup.